What is Invisalign®?
Invisalign® is basically one of the most convenient and pro-aesthetic methods of correcting smiles by straightening and positioning crooked teeth. Unlike metallic braces, this particular treatment offers the convenient of being removable and completely transparent. It does not require frequent visits to the dentist neither does it involve bracket or wire placements in the mouth of the patient.
Invisalign® is a clear, transparent, plastic tray customized to snugly fit the upper and lower jaws of the patient. Many dentists around the world are using this method to correct crooked teeth or teeth with gaps between them, instead of conventional metal braces. This relatively new system has helped countless people who were unsatisfied with their smiles achieve self confidence without having to go through a conventional orthodontic treatment.
How does the system work?
The system uses custom designed trays that have been created to fit the mouth of the patient. These trays are made of smooth, transparent plastic and are entirely non-irritant to the oral tissues. For ideal results, the Invisalign® trays should be worn all day long, and should only be removed for cleaning and when the patient wishes to eat. The continuous wearing of these custom trays forces gentle movement of the teeth from their original to the desired positions in the jaw. Invisalign corrects correct, tilted or tipped teeth, and also works wonders in eliminated unwanted gaps.
It is important to note that the movement of the teeth induced by the trays is gradual and to maintain good progress, patients must visit their dentist at least once in two weeks or a month to get a new set of trays made to match the new positioning of the teeth. Invisalign is perhaps the ideal solution for patients who are concerned about aesthetics and do not wish to wear braces for two years – the system allows such patients to fix their smiles without anyone noticing!
Invisalign® experts at the Lake Pointe Dental Clinic:
At Lake Pointe Dental, Dr. Mendoza offers professional, certified Invisalign® treatments to all patients facing self confidence issues because of their smiles. Patients can discuss their case and treatment procedure during the initial consultation appointments, and then proceed with the Invisalign® custom tray impressions.
Discover the wonders of the virtually invisible treatment that guarantees a celebrity smile with Dr. Mendoza and rid yourself with all confidence issues related to crooked and excessively gapped smiles today!